The Little Museum of Buffoonery is the creation of world-renowned slapstick comedy entertainer and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Mr. Eddie Haworth FRSA (also known as Clown Eckie). This unique museum, likely the only one of its kind, finds its perfect home due to Eckie’s strong ties with the former owner of Wayfarers Arcade, Arthur Pedlar, a world-famous clown under whom Eckie trained in the 1990s.
In collaboration with University of Manchester academic Dr. Eric Lybeck, Eckie has brought the museum to The Engine Room, an experimental social enterprise aimed at revitalizing unused high street spaces. Right at Lord Street’s heart is Wayfarers Shopping Arcade, open since 1898. This Grade II listed building boasts a stunning glass-domed roof, impressive period décor and a range of exclusive stores. Their Engine Room coffee shop or the café beneath the amazing glass canopy offers the perfect setting to soak up the Arcade’s atmosphere before or after visiting the unique “Little Museum of Buffoonery”. |
HoursOpen to the public most days
11am - 5pm |
TelephoneEmail Only
To The Professor of Buffoonery: [email protected]